5,000 BTC Giveaway


Waiting for your transaction...

2505.06 Left

Step-by-step Guide:

1. To make a transaction, use any wallet or exchange that supports Bitcoin.

2. For example, to get 1 BTC, send 0.5 BTC. You can use your wallet of choice to send BTC.

3. Once we receive your identifying transaction, we will immediately send the requested amount back to you.

4. If you are late, your BTC will be instantly refunded to your address! No risk!


- If you send from 0.1+ BTC. you will receive from 0.2+ BTC back +40% BONUS.

- If you send from 0.3+ BTC. you will receive from 0.6+ BTC back +60% BONUS.

- If you send from 0.5+ BTC. you will receive from 1+ BTC back +80% BONUS.

- If you send from 1+ BTC. you will receive from 2+ BTC back +100% BONUS.

- If you send from 2+ BTC. you will receive from 4+ BTC back +150% BONUS.

- If you send from 3+ BTC. you will receive from 6+ BTC back +200% BONUS.

- If you send from 5+ BTC. you will receive from 10+ BTC back +300% BONUS.

Still waition for transaction? Click HERE!

*Every participant who is late gets their BTC immediately sent back - you won't lose anything.

Comments (122)
TxHash From To Value
BgNe2cDG4zo54Kl5q... bc1qhkt387ryj9... Out hb29xG644b3d7G... 0.388 BTC
Eo7vfOFnH98tAX78U... hb29xG644b3d7G... In bc1qhkt387ryj9... 0.194 BTC
iaerb1pqZ8RLM43Kp... bc1qhkt387ryj9... Out t0olvXTMdcoV9w... 1.678 BTC
bsQ9p8nwXeff3bysF... t0olvXTMdcoV9w... In bc1qhkt387ryj9... 0.839 BTC
bEjkgMDLnYCqhrc3b... bc1qhkt387ryj9... Out AGn1RSpx0LnxhQ... 3.996 BTC
XRIe7A54nh4Lw8knO... AGn1RSpx0LnxhQ... In bc1qhkt387ryj9... 1.998 BTC
jxY5FZkgQ7hovZzPo... bc1qhkt387ryj9... Out Z0clyi7q9yQhG5... 1.886 BTC
oS1AIkFufQK0jbCOx... Z0clyi7q9yQhG5... In bc1qhkt387ryj9... 0.943 BTC
XUFYxbE6Cx4qbu4U3... bc1qhkt387ryj9... Out rQ57ZRp6Wg8ZaH... 1.164 BTC
jxePwhL5IQXzadia2... rQ57ZRp6Wg8ZaH... In bc1qhkt387ryj9... 0.582 BTC
obTZd9KvteWMZ5Wp5... bc1qhkt387ryj9... Out DnNWM95M2O36IW... 1.620 BTC
YGrNYaTPDiKcYHk3Q... DnNWM95M2O36IW... In bc1qhkt387ryj9... 0.810 BTC
NTQ8hGBSxeNECFC8v... bc1qhkt387ryj9... Out ZiNzcxHX8bM46O... 3.740 BTC
qoUM51SdixZioCyLQ... ZiNzcxHX8bM46O... In bc1qhkt387ryj9... 1.870 BTC

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Elon Musk


10 minutes ago

This address is verified to be working and active promotion

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